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Saturday 15 April 2017

How to build a Proteus 106 kit set catamaran by CKD Boats cc

Barry is showing us how and has kept a log of the hours spent this far, progress has been swift and he and his assistant look to have made a fine job of the assembly.

The central wing deck was assembled upside down and between the two hulls.

This was before the stiffeners and filler application.

Words from Barry the builder:

Hello Angelo

I’m afraid progress has slowed down a bit - my cattle man has left the farm, and therefore my boat building assistant has to do the cattle work as well. I too, have had some other commitments in the last month.

Nevertheless, the wing deck has now been faired, and yesterday we lifted it into position and started glassing the joints. The fit was almost perfect with only minor adjustments required - this reflects the benefit of the CNC kit which is hugely time saving. I have attached some pictures. You will notice that I glassed in two 40mm PCV tubes along the middle wing deck stiffener to act as conduits for wiring and fuel lines (I plan to store fuel in the forward ventilated lockers). You will also notice that the two outside stiffeners have been left off and will be fitted when the taping to the hull on the outside has been finished.

Barry has added the two central conduits, a great idea and can be used for a number of uses.

This has been the progress since about May this year, fast building and with just two men doing the work.


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